Recently, I’ve had clients who have been struggling to make some tough decisions. They feel fed up, discouraged, disrespected, not valued or not heard. Similar to how some of us may feel with the COVID crisis or the upcoming election.
Here’s what I’ve learned. We have a choice to make. We can remain bitter or we can become better. So what will you choose?
Choosing to stay bitter offers this:
- Continue to bring up the past
- Feeling angry or stressed
- Not pleasant to be around
- Single-minded thinking
- The Eeyore way of moving through life from Winnie the Pooh – woe is me; “I’ll just take what is handed to me, nothing goes right.”
Sound familiar?
What if we chose to be better?
- Learn from our past and know what we want to do differently next time, starting now
- Open-minded thinking, recognize that there are other perspectives
- Listen and be curious to another viewpoint before judging
- Experience peace knowing you did what you could and there’s a lesson to be learned
- Pleasant to be around
With every obstacle, there is a choice to learn from it.
Stuck in a job you hate?
Stuck in a relationship that’s unhealthy?
Stuck inside because of a virus or illness?
If you’re stuck in any situation, you’ve learned several things leading up to it. Use what you’ve learned to re-direct your approach at making your circumstance better, whether that’s in your current environment or into something new.
When we choose to learn from our experiences, we automatically become better. Better enlightened, better to be around, better to become what we strive to be.
So how will your November be? What will you be grateful for even if things don’t turn out how you hoped?
People like to be around people who choose to be better, not bitter. Which will you choose?