Build U Up

How fast is your calendar filling up?

May 18, 2021

Can you feel it? Spring is upon us, COVID restrictions are lifting a bit, and the desire to get out and get involved with more activities is filling our calendars.

But wait.

Is that what you want? To fill every nook and cranny of your calendar just because you can?

I don’t know about you, but I like not being on the rat race treadmill. It’s why I chose not to go back into the corporate workplace after losing my job. Don’t get me wrong: I love being active and enjoying time with family and friends and yet, I don’t want to lose sight of the benefits of stillness. Those quiet moments help us create, breathe, and be present in the simple moments of life. That, to me, is success.

How do you define success? It’s one of the questions I ask clients and I’m often surprised by some of their answers.

For some, it’s chasing a dollar amount either financially or in a career, a title, a degree, a prestigious lifestyle, and more. For others, it’s not as tangible. It’s about their legacy, their happiness, and their satisfaction for doing something impactful.

For years I worked hard to accomplish goals that looked good on a resume when instead I should have been working hard on how my eulogy will read. Can you relate?

Are you doing the things today that matter for an eternity or for a job promotion? 

It’s not that working hard to achieve those tangible items is wrong. They are right in many cases. It’s more about why are you so passionate about getting to that success you’ve listed? What’s the real end game? It’s like what Simon Sinek so eloquently states in his YouTube clip on the Golden Circle. It’s all about the “Why.” Why is that success you’re chasing so important?

Success may be working at a place where, when your work is done, it’s ok to attend your child’s soccer game without the guilt. It might be to have sound boundaries, so you don’t miss a date night with your spouse each week, regardless of the workload. Do those events that are important to you stay put on your calendar or are they more apt to get pushed aside when something else pops up? 

Being successful doesn’t mean you have to quit your current job. Many times, clients feel they need to jump ship and look for other work when they feel out of balance. That’s not always the best thing to do. It might be as simple as reevaluating how you do your job, how you meet and exceed the expectations and goals set by you or your boss, or how you respond to the demands that are required.

If you’re beginning to feel the threat of your free time being jeopardized as the world leans into spring and summer. Take a step back and look at your calendar. Are your activities in alignment with what’s truly important to you? If not, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you’re saying yes to. You and your legacy are worth it.

If you’d like help with this or would just like to connect, give me a call or schedule a time to chat. I’d love to hear what success means to you and how you define your time on the calendar as it relates to your why.


To your success,

Tina Asher
Business/Career Coach • Trainer • Author
Build U Up Consulting