Build U Up

Top 10 Year-End Review Questions

As the year speeds to its end, we begin to mentally prepare for next year. But don’t forget to take time to assess your personal and professional challenges and accomplishments THIS year.

Find a quiet spot, grab a journal, and your favorite beverage, then spend some time reflecting on your year.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. What have I accomplished this year? Be specific. Write it all down.

A pattern I’ve learned as a coach and from personal experience is that most people, especially high achievers, focus so much energy on the goal yet rarely take time to celebrate their accomplishments. Recognize the steps you took and what you were able to do. Schedule some time to celebrate this!

2. What have I learned this year? What skills did you pick up? What emotional lessons? What did you allow yourself to invest in to improve your knowledge, well-being, or success?

3. What got in my way? This is where your work will be next year. Be honest if it was your own self that got in the way. If it was someone else making choices for you that affected your well-being, or inner most desires, how will that change moving forward?

4. Who contributed to my successes? What can you do to recognize these members of your personal or professional team?

5. What mistakes did I make, and what did I learn from them? Writing these down is a good refresher for what not to do next year.

6. How was my work consistent with my values? What will you do with the inconsistencies?

7. Where did I not take responsibility? Sometimes this is easier to see with a little distance from the actual event. One of the first things I look at with my coaching clients is how they are with personal accountability. This shows up in both personal and professional settings and can contribute to their inability to grow.

8. How did my performance rate? Give yourself a letter grade or a 1-10 score.

9. What do I need to let go of? Doing so can help you move much more lightly into the new year.

10. What was missing for me this year? How can you incorporate them into next year?

The time you spend reflecting on these questions should open opportunities to recharge and shift your focus for the upcoming year.

If you’d like support with your priorities, time management and calming the chaos to set you up for a successful year, let’s schedule a time to connect.

Whether you’d like private individual support or if you’d benefit from being part of a mastermind group with training and the support from a group setting, let’s connect and discover what’s best for your next move.

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications